*Please use the Mail-in form if purchasing a membership as a gift.

Share the Castle with Family and Friends! A Castle Membership makes a great gift!
Consider giving the gift of the Castle. All levels of memberships are available to gift, making it a perfect present. Purchasing a membership is quick, and easy, and the perks last an entire year! To purchase a Membership as a gift, please complete the mail-in form.
Individual $50
• Unlimited Free Admission for one named individual.
• 50% discount on one guest admission per visit.
• 10% off Gift Shop purchases.
• Free or reduced admission to some public programming.
• Members only sign-up window for popular public events like Christmas at the Castle and Music Nights on the terrace
Family $100
• Unlimited free admission for two named adults and their households.
• 50% discount on two guest admissions per visit.
• 10% off Gift Shop purchases.
• Free or reduced admission to some public programming.
• Members only sign-up window for popular public events like Christmas at the Castle and Music Nights on the terrace


Contributing Donor $250
Patron Donor $500
Benefactor Donor $1000
• Unlimited free admission for two named adults and their household
• Up to two free guest admissions per visit
• 10% off Gift Shop Purchases
• Free or reduced admission to some public programming
• Members only sign-up window for popular public events like Christmas at
the Castle and Music Nights on the Terrace.
• Recognition as a donor

All memberships are annual from the date purchased. IDs must be shown with your membership card at the gate. Castle Preservation Society does not share or sell personal information or email addresses. Each email we send contains an option to unsubscribe. Castle Preservation Society is a 501c3 non-profit and donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law.
Falls of Song by Jim Hill Photography (top right)