Castle in the Clouds historic restoration



Donate to Castle Preservation Society

In the years since assuming management and restoration responsibilities, the Castle Preservation Society has made great progress in addressing major restoration projects to preserve this historic New Hampshire icon. We need your help to finish the restoration!

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Make a Stock Gift

All Stock Gifts may be directed to:

Castle Preservation Society
c/o Fidelity Investments
Attn: Banking Services Mail Zone KCIN
100 Crosby Parkway
Covington, KY41015
Account number #Z44890480
DTC #0226

Fidelity does not provide donor information to Castle Preservation Society.  If you are making a stock gift, please contact our office via email ( or call (603)476-5415 to advise us of your donation. Thank you!

Include Castle in the Clouds in your Estate Plans 

There are several ways to extend your financial support of the Castle into the future.  A gift through your estate ensures the ongoing stewardship of this landmark property for generations to come.  Legacy gifts are a tangible way for you to ensure that the important work being done maintaining the mansion and the land that surrounds it continues.  An estate gift also makes you a member of the Lucknow Legacy Society ensuring that you and your family are associated with Castle in the Clouds into perpetuity.

Naming “Castle Preservation Society” as a beneficiary of your IRA or life insurance policy is one easy way.  Including Castle Preservation Society in your will or estate, plans is another and can be done by adding the following language to your estate documents: “I hereby give, devise, and bequeath to Castle Preservation Society (Tax ID#27-0085747) with a mailing address PO Box 687, Moultonborough, NH  03254 the sum of $ ________ dollars (state the amount) or ______% (state the percent) of the rest, remainder, and residue of my estate for its unrestricted, general purposes as determined by its Board and management.”

Thank you for your consideration and for more information about the Lucknow Legacy Society, please contact Executive Director Chuck Clark via email or call at 603-476-5411.  All donations are fully tax-deductible in compliance with IRS regulations. Thank you for your support!

“This estate should be owned by one who is intensely human, a lover of nature in its grandeur, and with such breadth of thought as to require wide vistas of mountains and waters to interest, rest, and satisfy the mind. ‘Lucknow’ owned by such a one would be maintained in its present beauty and passed on to coming generations.”

 – Thomas G. Plant, 1924 –


The Lucknow Estate was recently designated as a National Historic Landmark!

Click here to view our schedule of Winter Hikes.  Join us for Winter Lunch in the Carriage House – click here for details.

The Lucknow Estate was recently designated as a National Historic Landmark!

Click here to view our schedule of Winter Hikes.  Join us for Winter Lunch in the Carriage House – click here for details.
